Saturday, January 27, 2007

Contravoz te proporciona la moral del momento - 4 (Nothing moves)

"One day, two monks were looking at a flag.
The first monk said that the flag was moving.
The second monk said that the wind was moving.
The patriarch happened to be passing by and told them that it was neither the flag nor the wind.
It is the mind that is moving."

When I look at this photo sent to me by Pablo from the early days, I see that time has passed, or people have changed, or the mind is moving....but I do not remember this moment.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Los Animales Soñados de los Tepuys - The magic animals

En las noches del campamento se anunciaron, por breves citas y referencias, reptiles con forma humana, monos sin habla, bestias que cantan, animales terrestres con dientes escarlatas, criaturas que buscan amaestrarnos, y el Mirmecoleòn.
Pese a nuestra incredulidad, ellos nos siguieron, y nos observaron durante los dias de marcha.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Amphibious trends

It takes some time to measure running distance, effort and trajectory. The experience of Contravoz and his friend James von Trueke, on the 31 December 2006, has to do to the change of solid to fluid phase in their training.

See in Google Earth the ground trajectory (in yellow - approx 45 min run) and the fluid trajectory (in red - approx 2 hours). Running, I conclude is more efficient than swimming. See on the second photo the arrival...when voices questioning our sanity are pronounced from the advantageous situation of a floating devise.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Para El Pecador, por si sufre

En "Definiendo el amor - Francisco de Quevedo" Liki Fumei sufre de incongruencias (sic.). Contravoz (Marque la respuesta mas apropiada):
O Se une a su dolor
O Le apoya en su trayecto por el desierto
O Se alegra de su buena suerte
O Se felicita (atencion, en general solo los politicos se felicitan a si mismos)
O Espera su pronta recuperacion

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Auyan-Tepuy, Canaima y los animales soñados - The Tepuy News

Los animales soñados por Kakfa, por C.S. Lewis y por Poe, compilados por Borges acompañaron las noches de un viaje extraordinario. En su momento llegara al blog una reseña digna...por ahora contentense con unas imagenes en orden cronologico invertido del mundo desde el cielo y desde el agua.
A description that does justice of this great land and great trip will follow shortly...

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