Friday, January 12, 2007

Amphibious trends

It takes some time to measure running distance, effort and trajectory. The experience of Contravoz and his friend James von Trueke, on the 31 December 2006, has to do to the change of solid to fluid phase in their training.

See in Google Earth the ground trajectory (in yellow - approx 45 min run) and the fluid trajectory (in red - approx 2 hours). Running, I conclude is more efficient than swimming. See on the second photo the arrival...when voices questioning our sanity are pronounced from the advantageous situation of a floating devise.


Blogger cadeer said...

Intuyo que tu cabeza es lo que parece estar medio ahogándose en mitad de semejante río… jeje. Preciosas las fotos del viaje, como es costumbre, siempre dando envidia con tus exóticos viajes!

Tienes a tu disposición, si gustas, una nueva entrada en mi blog, Cracovia.

Un abrazo tío!

3:06 PM  

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