Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lovegno 2008

You cannot step twice into the same river.

One year ago I went up to Lovegno for the first ski of the year. And despite of Heraclitus, I believe to state that the river looks just fine and that continuity prevails.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

La normalidad es un delirio

En Burgistein, hace 14 aƱos, Yo escuche a Manferro referirse al delirio.
Esa conversacion vuelve a mi memoria al leer lo siguiente en El Pais:

"Como los seres humanos no podemos soportar el caos, nos esforzamos por inventar una vida oficial mas o menos sensata.........Pero luego, por debajo, empuja la vida real, confusa, fantasmagorica, inefable. Una vida tan absurda que produce vertigo. La mayor falacia de la modernidad es creer que sabemos y controlamos algo. La normalidad es el delirio"

Sunday, November 16, 2008


En preparacion de una cena con participacion espanola, he desplegado la bandera Asturiana en los Alpes. Los locales, usuarios de la bandera roja con la cruz blanca quedaron un algo perplejos.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

One more cycle

There are many cycles and rythms. Seasons are, despite of their predictibility, striking in their capacity to surprise. I am astonish to see winter come back to Baule. One more cycle.
I am under the avalanche of historical data. Reading details of the 1939-1955 life in Spain. Somehow, like seasons, we forget how easier life can be, how harsh it may become.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


From the impersonal to the personal. One week to experience two aspects of the difficulty to grasp the real -from the very large massess at a conference, to the encounters with the distant past (Stewart, Rochester 1987-1990). All this while looking at the next future- the one that may start in Boston soon.