Saturday, January 27, 2007

Contravoz te proporciona la moral del momento - 4 (Nothing moves)

"One day, two monks were looking at a flag.
The first monk said that the flag was moving.
The second monk said that the wind was moving.
The patriarch happened to be passing by and told them that it was neither the flag nor the wind.
It is the mind that is moving."

When I look at this photo sent to me by Pablo from the early days, I see that time has passed, or people have changed, or the mind is moving....but I do not remember this moment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muy buena foto, y muy buena tu version de la historia.

Al igual que en aquel dia, aqui tambien esta nevando.

Un abrazo

3:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

¿Quíenes son los fotografiados ? . No reconozco a nadie . Sólo recuerdo la fuente del parque de s. Francisco . manolito

12:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even more amazing: the third fellow from the left is me!

7:04 PM  

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