Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ucaima, Jungle Rudy y Gaby

Rudy came to Venezuela as a Dutch veterinarian. He discovered the region of Canaima in the early 1950'ies and remained in this paradise for the rest of his days. He supported many of the expeditions to this part of the world - up and around the Tepuys. He died in 1994.
Gaby, one of his three daugthers - find her in the family photo!-
was born in Canaima, and had three children, fluent in Pemon - the local indigenous language. They are training to pilot planes and helicopters, to continue the family tradition of exploration (
Just to say that this place is magnificent, and wakes dreams of a different life up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curiosa historia de pioneers... Varias veces he oido hablar a Carmen y Luisa de un tal Rudy, gran amigo de su padre en Venezuela: supongo que no será este señor, pero quizá convenga contrastarlo.

Y para el nuevo año, deseos de fusión (fría) y plasticidad, de la mano del maestro:

...if you put water into a bottle, it becomes a bottle; if you put it in a teapot, it becomes a teapot: be water, my friend. Be shapeless.

La versión original es de sobras conocida, pero quizá os interese ver una algo más... ¿castiza? Poned esta URL en vuestro navegador:

Por lo demás, 2007 xxx 4 the 4 of U.

2:39 PM  

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